Diary of a Wimpy Kid the Third Wheel full book review
short time-long books:-Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Third Wheel Full book review This absolutely hilarious book is a must-read, and I will try to cover all its best movements. Happy Reading :) This book is a hilarious take on Greg's life during valentine, moreover, this book is a t at-bit different from all the other books, because this one takes us to Greg's past like not past but PAST as in all the way over here... GENIUS His childhood struggles are a real deal, the story also dives into manny's(his little brother) childhood and tells how INTELLIGENT kid manny is. Let's just try and not point any fingers here, shall we? UNCLE OF THE YEAR It then throws light on BUSINESSMAN of the year Greg's uncle Gary; he wanted some money from Greg's dad and was also staying with them. He quickly became part of the family, like a little too much, so much that along with Greg and his elder brother, his uncle too started taking allowance from Greg's mom. LADY TROUBLES But th...