Does good quality equipment help be a good gamer ?

When you see those streamers execute those insane plays you can't help but wonder if this kind of gameplay is possible or not and how much of it is possible due to the equipment they spend thousands of dollars on.

How much an average streamer spends on equipment:-

There are people like techno gamers who stated their journey witch something as simple as a washed-up phone and have achieved greats heights of over 15 million followers and on the other hand some of those who begin with equipment, only asking for which will earn you a slap from your dad.
but I would suggest starting with what you have which of course you would have heard a thousand times by now and seems extremely hard at the beginning too, but trust me that is what shapes your creativity.

Benefits of spending on premium equipment:-

  • good equipment ensures a good overall picture and stream quality thus it not only attracts more audience but also ensures a great retentivity, thus more growth.
  • good quality streams ensure that you will be able to make more highlights and even more, memes will be made from your content which is free marketing.
  • when you divide a fan base they will be more prompt to share your content with other people.
  • it is a good option for people aspiring to be competitive gamers

Benefits of not spending too much:-

  • you would have heard more than enough times that you should always work with what you have, what it does is enhances your creativity.
consider it, you don't have a good camera and so you won't be able to do face cam videos.
you will naturally try thinking of something else, this is the exact way I stumbled upon and started making doodly videos.
it not only went more viral but also gained more likes, get the point?? you might even realize this but the new method might become your GOTO and trust me you will enjoy this and eventually sometimes you will feel like making videos the other way.

all in all, it might feel like and even might be true that good quality equipment gives you a good edge but that would not yield anything beneficial if you are going towards content creation, most of the streamers you watch and admire today started from nothing and that sense of satisfaction brings you joy and redemption like no other.




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